Pixies – Where is my mind ? Symphonic Orchestra

Un morceau emblématique des 90's (enfin des "early 80's" comme on dit dans le milieu, puisque le morceau est paru en 1988), une touche de Rock Opera, un orchestre symphonique et l'hommage est prêt! Paru en 1988, donc, sur l'album...

Orange Way

Orange Way est né de ma rencontre avec Alice Gelmi, en 2006. Après avoir arpenté les trottoirs de Paris pendant de longues nuits dont la poésie n'avait d'égale que la beauté musicale, laissant vagabonder nos esprits rêveurs entre rythmes manouches,...

Ragnarök | Epic Cinematic Music Experience

RagnarökEmbark right here on a quest of discovery and revelation, as we unravel the tapestry of Norse mythology and unveil the secrets of Ragnarök. Through the mists of time, we decipher the cryptic verses of the Poetic Edda and the...


HelThe Norse Goddess of the dead and the Viking Kingdom of Helheim is called Hel or Hela. The Kingdom of the dead, named after Hel (or Helheim) is one of the nine Norse Worlds : Asgard, Midgard, Jotunheim, Niflheim, Muscenters,...


CirceIn the mythical world of ancient Greece, Circe, the most powerful enchantress is a mystery and an essential person. She changes Odysseus's crew into swine and lives with him on her island. They will have sons together. Quite jealous of...


IsisIsis is one of the most revered Egyptian Goddesses. She is the powerful Goddess of Magical Healing and considered as the Divine Mother of Egypt, also venerated by the ancient Greeks. Sister of Osiris, Nephtys and Seth, She is known...

Temple of Aphrodite

Temple of Aphrodite - Meditation Music for Positive EnergyWelcome to a place of contemplation, openness and serenity, where the music and sounds of nature will accompany you for a unique meditative experience. In this musical temple dedicated to Aphrodite, Goddess...


Hecate or Hekatê - Goddess of Magic, Crossroads, Sorcery and the New MoonGoddess of the Moon in the ancient Greek triad along with Artemis and Selene, Hecate or Hekatê is a complex divinity. Follow the New Moon, learn the spells,...